Stress, fear, overwhelm...

Stress, fear, overwhelm...

Trying to handle the pressure only makes it worse.

Your performance drops, your output suffers...

It takes a toll on your business, your life, and your relationships.

You know it, but changing it feels impossible.

That's where we come in.

We eliminate stressors, shift you from survival to creative mode, & twist your thinking to unlock a new perspective.

Trying to handle the pressure only makes it worse.

Your performance drops, your output suffers...

It takes a toll on your business, your life, and your relationships.

You know it, but changing it feels impossible.

That's where we come in.

We eliminate stressors, shift you from survival to creative mode, & twist your thinking to unlock a new perspective.

We've brought renowned experts from around the world to help YOU annihilate stress once and for all.

Time to kick your burdens out the door.

– Working with clients like L’Oréal, Unilever, World Health Organization

– Fully licensed & certified, from Bachelor’s to Master’s & PhD’s

– Average rating of 5/5 stars for 40+ testimonials

– Some being internationally awarded

– Averaging 10+ years of experience

When it comes to stress, we don’t just play the gamewe redefine it.

The ugly truth no one talks about

I get it. Handling the pressure of leading a business on top of your other responsibilities is one of the toughest jobs in the world.

Chances are, the thought of failing terrifies you. Morning comes and your mind’s already racing. 

Thoughts scattered, focus all over the place…

Leading a company, a relationship, and personal matters feels like an uphill battle.

You start the day rushing and juggling tasks, afraid one misstep could bring everything crashing down.

Losing your authority and reputation haunts you. 

Despite giving everything, you feel like a fraud, worried about being “exposed”.

Like a ticking bomb that could go off at any moment.

So as the day goes by, feeling lost and stressed…

You ‘man up’, putting on your brave face.

You battle your worries alone, feeling lonely even when surrounded. 

Without anyone who understands your struggles.

You’re told not to say anything, because: 

– Sharing your burden will mess things up.
– You’d risk your employees’ motivation
– You’d weaken respect among colleagues.

So you stay trapped behind this facade of invulnerability, even at home.

After another missed family dinner, you sit next to your partner.

They talk about their day, but you’re not listening.

Your mind is elsewhere.

Deadlines, payrolls, employees…

The pressure to succeed keeps you up at night, battling inner demons and unresolved problems.

Sometimes you think about restarting from zero. 

You dream of escaping this nightmare of responsibilities.

Tossing and turning, palms sweaty, unable to rest. 

You’re close to breaking.

You want to throw in the towel but can’t step away because this burning pressure keeps pushing you.

So you’re trapped in this vicious cycle. Stuck in a system of your own design.

And you wonder…

You know their calendars are packed with the right things, but it’s not that simple.

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Satya Nadella, Oprah Winfrey, Cristiano Ronaldo, Leonardo DiCaprio, even ex-President Obama…

You probably look up to these figures. They have leverage, elite-level performance, power…

But have you ever wondered what they have in common?

I don’t believe this should be a secret:

They realized they can’t figure out everything by themselves.

From entrepreneurs to presidents, sportspersons to actors, they all had one thing in common:

All of them have a coach.

An expert, a partner, a mentor… someone who sees what they don’t.

Someone who views everything from an outside perspective & clearly understands the path ahead because they’ve been there.

Someone with whom they can share what they can’t with others. Someone who gets them.

Now this all sounds great…

But how do they solve their issues & reach their goals?

It depends. There are many ways:

– Therapy
– Psychology
– Mindfulness
– Life coaching
– Business coaching

The list goes on, and all of them have their merits.

But no matter which direction you choose, there’s a problem.

It’s not about how powerful one is over the other. It’s about the rules these methods operate on.

But beyond HOW they work, there’s an even bigger problem:

It’s WHAT they work on.

Most get it backward and end up trapped in an endless cycle of new problems.

And once I reveal what’s exactly wrong… there’s only one question you’ll be asking yourself:

Without the (pardon my language) BULLSH*T strategies people are selling you

I say BS because there’s something I hate about my industry.

As a high-achiever, you want by definition to achieve great things & perform at your best.

You’ve probably been told to:

– “Use anxiety & insecurity to push yourself.”

– “Use stress to be productive”

– “Rise to meet the pressure.”


But here’s the irony:

The same people telling you to push and embrace stress also tell you to ignore major signals from your body:

 “Ignore your emotions & feelings of exhaustion”

– “Just get used to constant anxiety”

– “Pain means you’re alive”


I want to show you a better way – the right way.

And to do that, you need to understand the problem with this old “business mindset” approach:

– There’s Eustress: the good stress that gets you focused and energized.

– There’s Distress: the bad guy stress that exhausts you and leads to burnout.

But did anyone ever teach you how to stay in the good side or recognize when you’ve entered the bad one?

Probably not.

So what happens when you constantly push yourself to the edge, ignore your emotions and normalize constant anxiety?

That’s right, you’re entering the Distress realm. You move at the expense of your own health.

But that’s not even the most important reason.

Have you heard about Steven Barlett?

– Millionaire

– Owns multiple companies

– Hosts one of the planet’s biggest CEO podcasts.

He has it all and you’d think he won the game.

Yet in 2023, during an interview, he said this:

“My ambitions were fake. They weren’t ambitions. They were insecurity.”

And that leads me to the second point:

Stress is based on fear, and fear motivates you by moving away from it.

Imagine a bear chasing you in the woods. Your motivation to run comes from wanting to survive. But what happens if the bear stops chasing you? You stop running.

Just as you can’t think about your plans next week while getting chased, your fears and stress block your creativity. You’re stuck in survival mode.

So to stay motivated by negative fuel, you need to stay in contact with it. And this means you have 2 options:

– Double down on the stressor to keep the motivation

– Lean into hopelessness and believe nothing will change

If you’re like me, neither of those sound good.

That’s why I’d like to present a 3rd solution:

Change how you’re operating. Shift from:

Moving away from the last thing → Moving towards the next one.

Same direction. Different energy.

The result?

– You stop looking over your shoulder.

– You stop living in the past.

– You stop relying on negative energy.

– You start entering a state of flow & creativity

– You start gaining more energy and confidence

– You start enhancing your performance


In the next section, I’d like to show you the method that produces those results.

It’s not some cliché self-love or meditation. It’s a holistic approach that I term…

Forget the hacks or secret morning routines to "change your life"

You won’t find anything complicated about it. Because I believe nothing beats a lean, transparent framework.


But first, I need to tell you something:

Mental Mastery is a philosophy. 

It’s believing that any issue is best solved when it’s focused on what’s reflected & approached from different angles.

And to do that, we use PLIM:

– Purpose: Rekindling motivation, aligning personal & professional goals, and fostering a powerful mental environment to become self-motivated again.

– Leadership: Breaking limiting beliefs and enhancing leadership skills 

– Identity: Shifting the source of your behaviors. Because trying to stop smoking is great, but becoming someone who doesn’t smoke is better.

Mindset/Perception: Altering your perception to control stress, deal with pressure, and become resilient to future mental blocks.

How does the method work?

For every issue, we focus on the WHY, the WHAT, and the HOW

1. WHY the issue happens

2. WHAT to do & tools to use

3. HOW to apply the information

This ensures that you have the right tools, the accountability to apply them, and the support to keep going.

(With all four pillars with a personalized approach, backed by decades of expertise, we believe this is the best way to reach your highest potential & stay at the top while achieving mental peace.

This naturally makes you run towards the next thing and not away from the last one, eliminating what’s blocking you on your way.

This effortlessly makes you achieve more by doing less, saving you time and energy.

This instinctively pulls you to peak performance both personally and professionally, while maintaining mental peace.)


Because getting to the top is simple, but staying there is a different story.

This is what industry leaders don't tell you....

Remember the HOW & WHAT issues I mentioned earlier?

Both coaching & mental health experts by definition rely on people’s problems.

That’s the WHAT issue:

Once your problem is solved, so is your need for the service. So, behind most programs lies a sneaky tactic:

Finding more “symptoms” in you to create more problems to solve.

How do they do it? 

By working on the reflection instead of what’s reflected.

In other words:

Symptoms are ‘reflections’ of the core problem in your daily life. The core problem is what’s really ‘reflected’.

That’s why our 1st difference is:

Beyond the effectiveness, this ensures you don’t become dependent on us. In fact…

Our goal is for you to FIRE us after 12 months of working together.

But that’s not all.

What if you already know what needs to be solved and have tried some coaching or therapy in the past? 

That’s the second issue: HOW they work.

By definition, domain-focused services work when the issue stays within that domain.

So when an issue affects multiple aspects of your life… those services become almost useless.

That’s where our 2nd difference comes in:

This is where our team, beyond their expertise, draws from different fields:

– Neuroscience
– Psychology
– Leadership
– Business

The result?

Faster than classical coaching. More effective than conventional therapy.

“But what if I don’t like the expert?” “What if prefer another language or specific communication style?”

Most gurus would ignore your concerns or tell you to just accept it.

Yet that’s what makes or breaks a relationship.

You need to be comfortable & have your needs met for the service to be truly effective.

And that’s our 3rd difference:

This is where YOU get to choose everything:

From the type and frequency of communication to the length of each session and the language you prefer.

And most importantly:

You can switch experts anytime during the trials if needed.

That’s how much we care about you (because we do).

More testimonials:

Okay but why trust us?




My name is Ayden Hanian.

I’m leading an international business attracting 7+ fig companies & high-level leaders from Europe & Asia all the way to the US.

I’ve built A-GENT to be *genuinely* more than just a business.

It’s a mission to show the 195 countries of this world the power of our minds.

This is why I hand-picked a team of highly trained experts from all around the world to fight against the stigma of mental health:

Why do this?

3 years ago, I went through the worst mentally toxic event of my life. 

I realized the most important battles are invisible.

It’s not the ones you see between countries, during an election, or even between businesses.

It’s the ones happening inside. Between you and yourself.

This inspired me to study top athletes and leaders, share my experiences, and connect with so many people who related to my story that I knew I had to act on it.

This is how A-GENT was born.

How will you help me stay at the top without this burdening pressure & constant stress?

Together, we'll work on these 3 steps to get you results.

Step 1 - Match

Your situation will be analyzed in depth to understand your needs and connect you with the best matching expert to your preferences so that you feel the most comfortable.

Truth is, you don’t need to move anywhere, spend hours looking through unqualified professionals, or keep changing experts because of unmet preferences…


Before anything, you get on a chemistry call so that:


1. You confirm you’re comfortable

2. Your needs are analyzed in depths

3. You agree on the plan moving forward


The process is 100% online. You sit back while we get you matched within 48 hours and you can start working with one click of a button.

Step 2 - Implement

Your expert works with you 1-on-1 all the way from tailoring your action plan to starting and sticking to the program.

You’re accompanied at every step so that you never feel lost or unsure about what to do, and you can relax about the process.

What you do: 

◉ Define the what – the goal, needs, and preferences
◉ Define the how – video calls, phone calls, emails, sms, voice notes
◉ Define the when – what day(s) of the week, what time, what length (45-60 min)
What you receive:

◉ Full accountability 
◉ Detailed action steps
◉ And consistent feedback to keep you on track and change as fast as possible.

Step 3 - Persevere

Once the system is structured and you get momentum, your action-plan is adjusted until you meet your goal.


This means helping you apply learnings, face every obstacle, and fine-tune your trajectory for the best experience and sustained success.


This is done through 

 Performance check-ins
 Ongoing communication
 And a ready-to-change strategy.

These 3 steps are how we help CEOs stay at the top/become the 1%, perform better than ever, and peacefully keep doing what they love without missing another family dinner.

And we’ll work with you on these 3 steps as our private 1-on-1 client.

More praises

And what's required from me?

3 things:


  1. You must be open enough to share your challenges with us so we can find the perfect solution. The more you’re open, the more tailored the solution.
  2. You must be committed enough to trust the process and create a partnership with us until we solve your problems. Apply the advice we give you, because even the best guidance in the world won’t change anything if you don’t put it into action. There are no secrets.
  3. You must communicate enough & be honest for us to understand your needs better and deliver results faster. We’re partners, not mind readers.


If you check all three boxes, we can help you find the golden path you’ve been seeking.
Remember: the real magic lies in your execution.
We’re not classical mentors or coaches. We’re partners.
We guide you by the hand, but it’s up to you to hold on and move forward.

What's in the package?

Private 1-on-1 Partnership

This is where the magic happens. 

Your expert will be coaching/guiding you in mindset mastery, leadership excellence, identity strength & motivational alignment. 

It is recommended to be minimum once a week – can be more or less depending on your needs.

Remember: our goal is for you to FIRE us after max. 12 months of working together.

Personalized Ongoing Assistance & Feedback

Because you’re not supposed to do it all alone.

You will get
– Regular check-ins
– Constant progress tracking
– And adjustments between sessions to keep you on track.

Need any help? Have any questions? Unsure about something?

We have your back.

Constant Support System

We never know what might happen.

You will be in constant contact with your personal expert, as well as receiving additional ongoing support if you have any questions outside the program or need specific changes.

– Have a technical issue?

– Want to try another expert?

– Curious about group plans?


We’re here to listen, understand, and adapt ourselves. Because your hapiness is our sucess.

Key Data


Boost in income, on average, with those who use coaching for their business.


Due to increased productivity with those using effective programs.


Boost in confidence reported by people who received coaching.

Higher rev.

Than similar companies, for over 51% of organizations with strong coaching cultures.


Boost in organization strength with executives who use coaching for their business.

Enhanced performance

For over 51% of people who used coaching.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our programs typically ranges from a few weeks to multiple months, depending on your specific goals and needs.

But it also depends on your frequency. Because a different input will get you a different output.

For sustained progress and effective results, the minimum we recommend is weekly sessions, which would only require 1h a week.

Simple: don’t invest. Nothing worth is easy.

If you don’t have at least 1 hour free in a week, you’re unfortunately not a good fit.

Experts do not report anything personal from the sessions. We’re only kept updated as far as how the progress goes.

Sessions are private, updates are limited, and the only people who know what’s going on are you & your expert.

If you’re just starting out or feel your issue isn’t very complex, we recommend starting with at least 4-5 sessions. This typically means about a month of working together.

To put it simply, we eliminate the stress & pressure surrounding your work.

When not addressed, this stress limits your potential, creates a glass ceiling, and impacts your business, your life, and your relationships—you already know this.

When it is addressed, this influences your business performance, health, relationship, and more.

That’s why we sum it up under the umbrella of Peak Performance.

If you’re the type of customer who needs a guarantee before taking a jump, then you are not the type of person we want to work with.

We want motivated A-list players who can follow instructions and are not looking for a way out before they even begin. If you are not serious, don’t invest in yourself. But if you are, boy are you going to make a killing.

If you haven’t already, scroll through the page to see a few dozen of our testimonials.

Our experts have helped countless CEOs, founders, executives, and top companies.

On top of this, we also post additional results regularly on our social media, such as LinkedIn.

Be sure to follow us there 🙂

Depends on what you value.

– If you prefer traditional counseling over a result-driven & performance-based process, sure.

– If you prefer not having much options in deciding the day/time/length/frequency, sure.

– If you prefer having to physically move to a location instead of doing it where you want, sure.

– If you prefer reducing your choice of experts and running the risk of not being comfortable, sure.

– If you prefer not knowing who your expert worked with, their experience and reviews, sure.

– If you prefer having limited support & not being able to contact them between sessions, sure.

– If you prefer not having much options in terms of how you communicate, sure.


The choice is yours.


You bet.

From over 20 years in the field to working with international companies like WHO and L’Oréal. 

– Some of our experts have been internationally awarded for their work

– And all of them have at least an official certification or Bachelor’s degree, with many also having a Master’s or PhD.

You can see the list of our team and their qualifications on our website, where you can read about their experience, training, and specializations.


If you’re not a client yet, you can schedule a call by booking a meeting on our calendar below.

If you are already a client, you should have the contact information of your expert. Typically, one of the first things that your expert will do is send you a booking link, which will allow you to schedule sessions with your expert directly.
If you need to reschedule your session, please notify your expert as soon as possible and at least 24 hours before your scheduled session. This will allow your expert to adjust their schedule accordingly and potentially offer your originally scheduled session time to another client.
If you request to reschedule within 24 hours of your scheduled session, it may be difficult for your expert to accommodate your request and it may be counted as one of your sessions. In some cases, your expert may be able to reschedule with you, but this will depend on their availability and schedule.
In general, it’s important to communicate with your expert and keep them informed of any changes to your schedule or availability. This will help ensure that you receive the most effective and efficient support possible.

Before even starting, A-GENT offers a consultation where you’ll get to know your matched expert, see if they’re a good fit, and at the end they’ll suggest a certain amount of sessions to start with, so that together, you agree on the best plan moving forward.

Your expert provides a safe and personalized space where you’ll receive guidance, support, and feedback to address your specific needs and concerns. They’ll challenge your assumptions, provide insights, and offer homework or assignments to help you make progress, while creating a personalized plan tailored to you and your goal.

We understand that every individual’s journey is unique and personal, and our goal is to make sure you receive the support and guidance that aligns with your needs and preferences. If for any reason you feel dissatisfied with your coaching experience, we’re here to help.

We value open communication and invite you to email us at to share your concerns. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best experience possible and we will work with you to understand the issues you are facing. By identifying your needs and preferences, we can find a better-suited match and get you back on track as soon as possible to achieve your goals.
We want to assure you that we take your satisfaction seriously. If you reach out during the trial period, we offer a reimbursement and will work to find a more suitable expert to meet your needs. However, please note that after the trial period and during sessions, there is no reimbursement.
Our mission is to break the stigma of mental health and empower you to make positive changes in your life. And we believe that starts with providing an exceptional experience. We appreciate your trust in us and welcome your feedback to continuously improve our services.

Ready to take the next step?


15-Minute IF Call

By the end of this discussion, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take to help you delete the burden, find your power again, and see if you’re a fit to start generating reliable results with our experts.

Just find a spot that fits you best, and we look forward to speaking with you.


Ready to take the next step?


15-Minute IF Call

By the end of this discussion, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take to help you delete the burden, find your power again, and see if you’re a fit to start generating reliable results with our experts.

Just find a spot that fits you best, and we look forward to speaking with you.


"There are two ways to get to the top- extreme insecurity and extreme confidence. The secret of billionaires at the top- who got there with extreme insecurity- they’re sad, they don’t like it, and their life sucks."

- Gary Vee